Friday, 8 July 2011


I had wanted to limit myself to one post a day, but I just couldn't help wanting to write another. When something is on my mind I need to write it down.

Tonight, I've been reading one particular blog that has really opened up my eyes. The person is so honest and open, although they convince them self that they are unable to open up. In fact, this person had inspired me with how much detailed information they have written about their life, and I wish that I could be just as open and honest about things.

Its hard to tell people your real thoughts and feelings, because it is opening yourself up, and letting people into your world and who you are. Although I tend to tell lots of people the stories of things that happen in my life, I guess I never truly open up about what these things do to me and how they truly affect me. In fact, I don't even let myself think about it. I just push it all away and convince myself that things will turn out ok... because they always do. But what if my current suffering is as a result of the many years of pushing all these things away, and not properly dealing with them? Yes, therapy does help me to talk about my feelings, but again, I'm talking to another human being, so I have my limits on how much I give away. Even though you should tell your therapist everything, I know I've still hidden a lot, because I'm just too ashamed.

I suppose I've actually managed to be able to put this stuff down, because I don't want everyone who comes on here to think that I've overcome all my problems. I want people to understand that I'm still battling with a lot, and I'm still making lots of mistakes every single day. But everyday that I'm making mistakes, I'm learning from them too, and everyday I become a stronger person. I will never find all the answers to having a stress-free life, but I want to share with others the things that I learn, so hopefully it will help them, or at least bring them some comfort.


  1. What person is this that you read the blog of? Let me rephrase that. Who's blog do you read that inspires you and says he can't open up and does?

    "as a result of the many years of pushing all these things away,"

    Made me think a lot. You write very interestingly! You have some talent! You opened the blog and this is your second post. Wow, soon you'll have a bunch of followers. Can I suggest your blog to friends of mine?

    How did you think of something like this to write about? (Meaning the blog in general)?

  2. Listen, don't be ashamed! Why would be ashamed? You've got so much to be proud of the way I see it! You are Christabel, opened up a BLOG, to help others. How cool is that?! Not many people are so generous and considerate of other people. Open up.. well, this other person you're talking about whoever it is, you said she or he opens up and convinces himself he can't. What if you're doing the same when you say you wish you could but you're ashamed of what?

    If you talked to me, personally right? And we discussed, and you said something really personal, I would think you are the coolest person that I've ever talked to. Why? Because he had not only enough guts to make a blog and write that you're ashamed, but you are speaking to someone directly on your own blog. Now that is what I call a brave girl. Such as yourself.

    I honestly think that you're really cool even though we haven't personally talked (you can always talk if you want to e-mail me about anything you want on your mind or in general =))

    Reading late at night? A blog? I love doing that, haha! Makes me think. In darkness, I find it sharpens my senses. Meaning at night when I read blogs it's different than when I read in the day. I love the night time in general. Lol... I'm silly, anyway, love the blog, and am a huge fan of you already.

  3. Thank you Mike. It is in fact your blog that I have been reading. You say that you are unable to open up and answer peoples questions, but from what I have read you are very honest about things. Even though you may not disclose your exact problems, you are brave enough to admit how you act and you recognise that it may be the result of what you have been through. You write very detailed posts, which I find extremely inspirational and compelling.

    My therapist actually gave me the idea of starting up a blog, because she knew that my experiences could hep others like me. In fact, I'm also finding that it is helping me a lot, because I am communicating with others about things very personal to me, and I think it helps to have somewhere to get things off my chest.

    I would love for you to recommend my blog to your friends, and I am very grateful for your feedback :) It feels amazing to know that someone is reading what I write and responding so positively!

  4. I'm only responding to what I feel is true, and whatever positive thing I say I really mean, whatever I say to you. Your therapist is smart - blogging is great. Blogging is like another 'therapist' lol. You make more and more friends, this way though, that's truly the difference. I read that somewhere, "Blogger is my therapist." Thought that was funny, but realistically it is sort of a therapist, but a therapist which doesn't talk to you, allows other people's' comments.

    Wow, I would never guess that it was about me! I'm very happy and glad you find it so inspirational! I mean I shouldn't say I can't open up, but I just meant exactly what you said, I don't disclose the actual problem behind my actions, but I truly type honest posts in what I can share, I will share, but what's bottled up, I'll just admit I'm hiding instead of say what it is that I'm hiding from.

    Just as amazing as it feels that I or anyone reads blogs, and that I comment with positive comments, it feels just as amazing and great that you read my blog, and it inspires you and that you enjoy it. I appreciate you reading and enjoying my blog!
