Friday, 8 July 2011


Often when I am stressed out or feeling down, I just can't be bothered to do anything. I just don't see any point in it because I don't think it will make me feel any better. I worry that getting up, going out, and doing things will make me feel more depressed, because when I'm stressed I can't seem to enjoy things. It becomes a vicious cycle really, because the more depressed I feel, the less effort I make, and the less I do. The less that I do, the more depressed I become. Does this cycle sound familiar to you?

Well, this is where 'The Pleasure-Predicting Sheet' comes in handy. Basically, you write down a list of different activities and before you do the activities, you rate them each from 1-10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest) to show how much satisfaction you think you will get from doing that activity.Then, after you have completed the activity, you rate it from 1-10 again to show how much satisfaction you actually achieved from doing it. Hopefully, the outcome for most of them will be that you enjoyed it more than you expected to.

The activities can be simple things such as going for a walk with the dog, going shopping with some friends or reading a book. Simple activities such as these, contain the potential for personal growth. By completing 'The Pleasure-Predicting Sheet' and seeing real results, it will hopefully bring you a step closer to getting out of that vicious cycle. But remember that this will only work if you complete it truthfully and be totally honest with yourself!


  1. Well, so who came up with this sheet? That sounds good, only I don't really accept my feelings, so there isn't any real time to feel 'sad' 'depressed' or 'lonely'. I don't know how I did that, but it's as if I am affection/emotionless.

    Do you ever become 'emotionless' like how I explained? Truth be told, I was once a very emotional person. Ever since I had the ability to have feelings like a robot (controlled or hidden 100% emotionless) I never wanted to go back to feeling any kind of true emotion. Sound familiar to you?

    I've always heard "Be truthful to yourself" like you just said, but in my opinion you're the only personal who can't lie to yourself. Like it or not, I don't think anyone can lie to themselves even if the tried. I think people prefer to themselves than admit the truth.

  2. Well I found it in a book that I've been reading called 'Feeling Good, The New Mood Therapy' (David D. Burns). Its a brilliant book, and I'm sure that a few of my future posts will be based on some of the material from it.

    To be honest, I don't think I have ever become completely emotionless. There are many times when I've hidden my emotions, but I know I have felt them deep inside.

    And what I meant by "be truthful to yourself" is, don't cheat on the Pleasure Predicting Sheet. But yes, I think I agree that it is almost impossible to deliberately lie to yourself, but I think sometimes people get very good at convincing themselves about things that aren't true.

  3. Very true about the last sentence. You're quite smart. Are you sure YOU'RE not a therapist trying to help other people? Haha it would seem to be, you're really smart at giving advice. Just kidding about the therapist part though, you'd be quite a young therapist!

  4. are you guys still there? wondering how are you doing now?


    1. Hello! Yes I am still here and doing well. I hardly ever go on this blog and it’s been so interesting to read back what I used to write - it’s hard to recognise that it’s me! I work in mental health now :) Christabel

  5. Hello! Yes I am still here and doing well. I hardly ever go on this blog and it’s been so interesting to read back what I used to write - it’s hard to recognise that it’s me! I work in mental health now :)
