Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Rainbow Cake! Something to cheer you up!

Just thought I would take little break from the "cognitive distortions" posts, to tell you about something special I made last weekend.

The past week had been pretty bad for me and seeing as I was doing absolutely nothing on the weekend I decided that I needed a bit of cheering up! So I set upon the mammoth task of creating a rainbow cake! I baked six layers of sponge cake and coloured them all different colours, making them as bight as possible. Then I stacked them one on top of the other in the order of a rainbow with butter cream icing sandwiched between them. On the top I made the butter cream icing multi-coloured, and hey-presto, I had a rainbow cake!! It did take me around 3 hours, but the end result was so worth it!

Doing something positive with my time took all the bad things off my mind. So next time you are feeling a bit down, I challenge you to make a rainbow cake! It certainly cheered me up, and here are some pictures for you to enjoy :)

Rainbow Cake!


  1. Wow, that's talent. I can't even bake a normal cake right let alone trying 6 layers with different colours! lol Maybe I'll try colour cupcakes or something.
    Cake looks awesome though.

  2. Ohhhhhhh wow, I want this so bad right now! It looks so good! Especially the icing, mmmmm.

  3. it really seems to be yummy ;)
    hey do chech out my blog too
    do follow if you like it :)

  4. I saw you on Kandy's blog so I decided to look at your blog =] awesome cake! Looks delicious! I hate seeing these pics because now I want the cake! You have talent!
